Wednesday, April 03, 2002

Tales Of A Future Past

Tales Of A Future Past *A story of a true dream*

As i feel the wind flowing over the car
I daydream of my love
Lucidity becomes cracked
Skidding...Oh god no

Trying to gain control
Seeing a truck in my path
Panic kicks in,Dying on my thoughts
Making contact,life decays

A crunching sound,glass shatters
Cutting my face,blinding my left eye
Steel mangles my body
Bones breaking,protruding the skin

Body and steel,a perfect mingling
Blood splatters through the drivers seat
Being literally crushed to death
Tormented by this unrelenting pain
Shallowed breath

A red fog covers my vision,Dying slowly in this steel tomb
Can't find my left leg,bleeding and seared by the heat of friction
Ripped apart by Primal force,Bones coming through my chest
Paralyzed but still in pain,crying out.i want to die,a fitting end being pressed

Bleeding from the eyes,Empty socket flows
Face shattered,unable to vocalize
Getting cold as ice,Asphyxia caused by flowing blood
Lungs filling up,Collapsing because of the wounds

Hours tread on like days,Flies start to swarm
Dying in the heat,Larvae eating away at my flesh
Tunneling through,The smell of decaying self
Sickness fills the air,and i feel it all
Wishing for my health

Fuel runs from the tortured steel.
And ignites from the still hot engine
Feeling the heat,Body starts to burn
Black smoke fills the inside,like the surface of the sun

Engulfed i slowly meet the end
Blistered and immolated
Turning to living ash
Pulse slows to nothingness,I am hated

Waking up as it was a dream
Startled and awoke with a scream
Needing comfort i get in the car
To see my friend,i calm myself

Radio cranked up i relax
Drink in my hand.cigarette in my mouth
Lucid in my own world
I think of the dream and only laugh

As i feel the wind flowing over the car
I daydream of my love
Lucidity becomes cracked
Skidding...Oh god no

Trying to gain control
Seeing a truck in my path
Panic kicks in,Dying on my thoughts
Making contact,life decays



So here we are,you holding my hand
Gripped like you feel my pain
Tears welling up in your eyes
I can feel your heart break
Last chance to spend precious time

I really don't want to leave you
But my time is here,Stop the tears
Don't cry for me,Pain i harbour
Let me be forgotten
The pain will fade,In my dishonor

My friends outside the door
Thinking i'll be okay
Missing the times we could be together
Just focus on our (yesterday)

Why do you really care,Guess i'll never know
You can't hear me (i will miss you)
My soul will never is with you now
I will never forget...the way you made me feel

We never had a chance to live together or make a family
Of our own,This had to happen
My only regret is hurting you,Letting you get close to me
The pain will subside,The spiritual misery

If i had kept my cool.And accepted life
I would be holding you
Not like this
But you would be happier

That 2 ton juggernaut
Plowing over me
Ending this life
Forget about me

Here i lay broken and burned
Not even really alive
I see this scene from another plain
I am sorry you witnessed this
Never again