Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Hydrochloric Dream "Adults Only"

Hydrochloric Dream "Adults Only"

You are perfect pain,Flawless and.....
Pure you are...Lovely as a fallen rose
Draped in red satin..Movement flowing and graceful
Ivory skin,Raven black hair,a touch of mystery
Long nails,Painted like teardrops of blood,You lure me in

Crushing beauty,Ravenous lover
Upon a pedestal so high
Ruling the night,Damning the day
Vampiric or immortal, Everlasting beauty will never fade

Runic tattoos accent your naked back
Conforming to your shape
The victim's blood serve as your ink
Black widdow of the dark,Envenomate me

I am trapped within you eyes
Stained by your cruelty(loving it)
Robbing my soul blind
Caressing your face,Feeling perfect skin

Dark Angel how foreboding
Angelic black wings your only cover
Loving a demon,A mainacial angel
You will never be the same

Fire lights the night
Mausoleum the setting for us my sweet
Claws scratching at bear sweaty flesh
Wounding and tearing at each other in the heat of the moment

All this passion you give
Juices flowing down your thigh
My long hair in your face

Seeds of evil being spread
Come into being by our (love)
Fluids mingling,Flesh contouring and sweating

Like the virgin mary Becoming a whore
Lying in a bed of callousness
Not deserving what is going on
A dirty FUCK from the damned

Bleeding Me

Terror is all i feel in this world of light
Feeling like you are bleeding the life from me
Crying like the birth of limbless child
Killing me with lightning bolts from your useless god

Night falling on this bloody planet
Like a raped child i stand in defiance
Mirror of this realm looking like eden
Why is this the only way to live??

So alone i tear at my skin
Hoping to free the pain,the insects
Decomposed fetus you want to bury
I come back for you and i will ravage

What time is it in your world
Screaming i feel so hollow
The bones you have i'll borrow
I need to stand on my own,Blow you away

Loving like ilove no other
I shead my skin,Sunshine smells like death
My soul hates me as i look into you
Insane you look like me..Burn me out

Looking away you waste my life
Going to hide in the bloody hole
Veins cry in pain,Acid scars decorate me
Human smoke smells like innocence

Caught up in my little maze
Staring eyes boar into you
Daggers feel so good Haunting you
Realize you will not win,disembowel the angels

You hold your gun to my head,only to find out its not there
The pain of a thousand cold hearts dying
Cells slowly rotting and screaming out
Time to let you know you been dead for days

Showers of sparks incinerate the sky
Breaking and crumbling...falling down upon you
I'm the Square root of insanity times death
Smelling of raw meat i see through you

See me and you want to cry
Feel me and want to kill
Rape me and you want to die
........One question........


Monday, April 15, 2002

Playing Chess With Charles Manson

Playing Chess With Charles Manson

Tell me if i am wasting my time
Trusting you as far as i do
Killing my life for you,Needing more
Setting here in a Chair,Feeling like a hole

No more time can i waste.Wandering about like
Ecstasy or agony,Are you me?
Loving life like loving me
Knowing only what i tell you,Am i me?

Even as i set here i can feel your pain
Cold steel in my hand.pain is all i need
Rape in my own mind i am jealous of myself
Killing you as i die.all i have is your health

Pain i feel like i am being unborn
Being eaten by time,I am all you are
I can't accept the way i feel,Won't accept the way i am
Fucking time my enemy.Tying me to a chair
Do i know me ?? I don't give a damn

Exempt to the trials of life
I won't keep this to myself
The pain is too good
Feed it to oneself

Catch me on fire to cool me down
Cold as liquid ice,Frozen in my pain
Crosses and spears in my mind
Bleed for me,I'll die for you

Landscapes blurred by life
Ritualistic scarring of my time left
Totalitarian beast,ravaging your body
Scarring me,Scaring you,Drifting away

Blood stains my hands,Leaving a world of hurt behind
A fossil at the end of time,Once again unborn
In a world of Asphalt and machines
Killing myself,my being

Trekking off into the unknown,Knowing where i'll be
I will die before i am born,And bleed from my eyes
Swarm of flies leading me to my end
Larvae infest this world like the air you breathe

Die for me,I'll bleed for myself
Chaos takes over my mind as i set here
The needle in my arm makes everything ok
Killing me so i will be first born,A dead time before us
Feast with the mechanical maggots.....

Wanting to me myself.I died long ago
Hallowed be thy name..I will go insane

Wash it away.keep it to yourself

Psycho Supreme

Giving in will be your only option
Giving up will be wise
Giving a shit will get you nowhere
Give your life would work if you had a clue

Wandering what you did to set me off
Lying there bleeding in a confused state

Never will you see it coming
Pain terrorizing you
Seeing your shadow running in fear.Follow behind it ,Don't even move
Catching up i keep kicking you for making a stupid move

Now you will feel the pain,You caused yourself
Feel the irony of your own life,Squeel like you love it
Bleed for me....beg it to stop
Keep it all in cause of your pride(call the cops)
BLEED!!!!!!!!!GOD DAMN YOU!!!!!!!BLEED!!!!!!!

Looking towards the sky,Clouding over
You need to breathe,Shallow and painfully
Slowly blacking out,all your air leaving(peck peck peck)
Breathe as soon as i get my foot off your fucking neck!!!

I will never forgive you!!!!!!HURT ME????
Shock to the system..Power cord round your neck
Turn your back to me???...Feel my power
Click..... BOOM BOOM BOOM.....Smoking barrel

ONE.....better fuckin run
TWO......Im faster than you!!!!
THREE.....Look at me

Hell is eternal like me
Invincible nightmare i am!!!!!
Haunting you time on earth
I am damned