Wednesday, April 10, 2002

Nightmare Remembrance

Nightmare Remembrance

No clarity of mind,Systemic neurological shutdown
Overloaded and crushed under the weight of your heavy heart
Caged within your own mind,suffocating,panicking....realities ghost
Never again to see the light of the real sun,neurosis

Caged within your own being...endless plains of pain
Infinite world with no time or end
Never reaching the end...never to survive the endless night
Going insane trying to die....Thoughts demon takes flight

In the real world things are quite different
Trying to snap you out of it
Lobotomy and drugs shred your plain of being
Chunks removed to bring you here,,never knowing,never seeing

Boring into you...shredding what chance you have
A normal life,,,never again
Torment,feeding off the sounds you hear
So close but so,so, far away

Feeling to pain done to your body
The saw opening your skull
Probes and electrodes Frying your mind
In a world of Nega Reality,tranquility you'll never find

Losing your soul,To try and regain your lost life
Biomechanical nightmares
Synapse failure
...............END PROGRAM................................

Monday, April 08, 2002

Blood Pet

She is a beautiful creation
But as deadly as cyanide
Loving only the pain she gives
Skin as pale as snow(Heart like ice)
Only thing we know of her is that she lives

Luring you in with words of deceit
Smelling of fallen roses
Piercing look in her eye telling you
Come to me
Touching so softly
Making you believe

Her eyes like the sun(Burning into your soul)
Chaos pulsing through her veins
With a smile of rage(Venom drips from her delicate fangs)
Heart as black onyx(Spinning you a web of nothingness)
One glance and you are Trapped(placed upon a shelf)
One more soul to prey on(you are not by yourself)

Embrace her (Give her your trust)
She will hold you back with all that she is
Not noticing that she is feeding from you
You feel secure (knowing you are not alone)

She as beautiful as your most vivid dream
Twice as deadly as your worst nightmare
Sweet and smart(Makes you feel like a man)
Never knowing the soulless eyes.Trapping you forever

Her eyes like the sun(Burning into your soul)
Chaos pulsing through her veins
With a smile of rage(Venom drips from her delicate fangs)
Heart as black onyx(Spinning you a web of nothingness)
One glance and you are Trapped(placed upon a shelf)
One more soul to prey on(you are not by yourself)

You find yourself thirsting for life
You start to become weak and dependant
Stripped of your pride and self awareness
Becoming her pet(But still not letting go)

Dying as she walks notice things hidden before
The snow white skin is really a charcoal grey
Her halo is but horns
Dead and never alive
The succubus now has you