Monday, April 22, 2002


Life? wanna be loved
Loveless wanna be real
Joy resist
Break the barriers.....Just to become......

Waste all the time you want
One day you will need it
Taken away from you,Everyone will fade
I once loved life and payed for it dearly

Ripped away from all you know
Seeing yourself reflected in your dreams...
Cry yourself back to sleep
What is the use of caring??What you sew....You reap

The mood intently Goes away
Will you like to live....To die?
Talk like you love me....and walk away
Goodbye prey

How can you live life like you know the end??
Hurting me along the way??
Kisses and love just a lie and you will pay
I will see you again....maybe yesterday

Make your threats..and get your attention
No control of my life....
Your life is like a Shadow
You turn around and its..........Gone..

Need to be by yourself??
And think of ways to hurt me .....Hurt yourself
Like the baby in the bucket
I have no choice

Living for you and hurting myself ...i learn to hate you
Needing to get away...I am drawn to you
Licking my wounds...Just to have them tore back apart
Just kill me now...Stab me in the heart

I want to leave but i can't
Wanting to hate you.....And love you...All the same
Rage in my mind....Pain in my heart....You did it all
Never cry on me again....leave me alone

One day i will watch you go away
Bleeding for you....Bleeding even more for me
Eyes so empty tears are only dream
Memories of a lost love...Never to find the truth

Necrosis Vulgaris

Necrosis Vulgaris

Immortalized in stone you break apart
Stood your ground,But not for long
Rise and fall,Pheonix reborn
So many times you failed us(Nevermore)

On the throne of blasphemy,Casting us out
Power,Fear,and Cult following made you a god?
Tyrannical Emperor upon a throne of clouds

Fear you?!?!?Why? Do you exist??
Strike us down for disobedience??
You love us ....Remember??
Fear is in the heart of the coward...Are you Afraid??

I don't know what to do...
Why did you kill my dreams??
Will you make it all okay???
I believe in you...You brought me death

Took her from me...With the child inside
Took him away...Love and youth....All taken away
Why i ask you???Why??? I damn you!!!
Let me meet them again!!!!!Nevermind

Where you are ,You made it yourself
If we join you,Our memories you wipe clean
If we revolt out souls you burn......Fear you???? NEVER

I desperately want to show you what it's like
Immortal as you are ....You could not handle this
My life.....Too much for you
Why????Oh Why??......Will you ever die??
Please let me watch

Let me hold your MY hands
Take from you...Make you cry
Watch and laugh as you become demented by your mental agony
You never gave a fuck...And never soul means shit to you

Please take my mind for just one second...and you will see a hell
1,000,000 times worse than the one you call hell
All that is will never be again
We are just a endless game to you

You call yourself god????why is this?
You know respect and gain fear from the ones you call your (lambs)??
Setting us up for the slaughter,Its Us you devour
We the children,You the father??Then give us our own lives

We rule the earth ...not you
I invite you to come and start a life of your own
See the rigors of being
The HATE we feel for you.....